
The association between C. CUVELIER, J. L. MARIN and P. FORMIGÉ started 30 years ago in France. These partners are associates in the French company (SITE ARCHITECTURE) and Vietnamese company (SITE ASIA). In 2009, BUI KIEN QUOC who studied architecture in France 37 years ago with them jointed SITE ASIA as new partner. 
They have worked together in Vietnam since 1997. The architect team in France and Vietnam get more than 50 architects plus drawers, engineers and administration staff.
The activities of Site Architecture and Site Asia concern
+  Town planning
+  Architecture
+  Interior design
+  Technical studies
+  Housing
+  Offices
+  Hotels
+  Commercial centers
+  Congress hall, theaters
+  Universities, schools
+  Hospitals and so on…
The missions of the two companies are
+  Concepts
+  Feasibility studies
+  Buildings certificates
+  Executive drawings
+  Tender documents
+  Construction supervision
The referencies of the Group concern
+  Europe: France, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary
+  Middle East: Algeria, Tunisia, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Congo Brazzaville, Angola
+  Far East: Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Vietnam